jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

How To Make A Play

How To Make A Play

I mean, are six basic steps to create a work:

1.Define characters and has started to do the scripts
2.Definir as will make the place and plan ecenografia
3.definir difracez and the material which is going to make
4.Empezar has mount ecenografia
Enzayos 5.Darle and tests to get it right
6.Relajate and passes the final sample

Example: let's make the story of Little Red Riding Hood then step 1: the characters are importants caperucita, grandma, the wolf, the hunter and the breast.
2 step: the place has to be a bosuqe, a house and a shack.
Step 3: Keep the red suit, the wolf, mama, grandma and hunter machete.
Step 4: assemble the stage.

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