martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

Why Did I Decide Studying Dramatic Art

Dramatic Art

because I want to study that?

I decided to study drama and desire (theater) because I like art, I like that way of expression.
I take that race I think the method of expression is more free and tender, that is, I can protest through unarmoured characters lawsuits and violence I can change many thoughts through movements.
is a way that my body is released to act as I leave my self aside and entered to be another character that I believe or assigned.
It is a way to stop being so shy, not risk it .
for me acting is something beautiful because I love to learn a lot and with this race I will have the pleasure to meet and interact with what I know and what isn't.

And also in the future if I get the opportunity to work in a circus, because I like to work in the Cirque du Soleil, because that if circus where animals and there is only the magic of people with their movements, movements unique and a job is not highly valued.

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